

Cass Ewing

If you’ve seen any of my social media posts this week you’ll notice there’s a been a focus on Goods and Services Tax (GST),  lodgement dates for Business Activity Statements (BAS) and general tax reminders.   I know, I know, they’re not the most exciting of social media themes, but I’m trying to keep sole traders on

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Cass Ewing

I made a decision last week to implement what I’ve coined ‘Retreat Week’. Retreat Week is not about massages, day-spas, champagne and manicures (well, not yet anyway). It’s about scheduling a 9-day hiatus every 9 weeks where make myself completely unavailable; where I ‘retreat’ from being available as a sole trader. That is, coincidentally, a

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Cass Ewing

If you read last week’s blog post you’ll know that I had my handbag, laptop and reading glasses were stolen recently. Unfortunately, none of those items have made their way back to me. Wishful thinking huh? I navigated the aftermath fairly well, but by Friday last week my eyes were exhausted, I couldn’t lug my belongings

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Cass Ewing

Saturday morning is my favourite morning of the week. There’s something really relaxing about it. I don’t feel rushed and for the first time in 5 days I don’t feel like I should be busy undertaking income generating activities for my business. It’s the first day of the weekend and it’s usually the day where

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